Showing posts with label Animals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Animals. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Theft Among The ARA Community

Theft Lies and false copyright. – Facebook fails to investigate properly.

We have been emailed, on all of our accounts and asked to deal with the Situation pertaining to a Tony Z. It seems as though Tony has been stealing research, pictures, and hard work pertaining to animals that are in danger. 

We see this as a wrong doing on Tony Z’s part. We understand that he wants to help these animals, yet what we don’t understand is why he has to claim hard work by others as his own.

Recently CEE4LIFE and Michael Bachelard had their work claimed by Tony Zadel… Now we know a lot of you lovely people out there have seen a post pertaining to the Sorry State of the Surabaya Zoo… This had an emaciated tiger in the posts, which Tony claimed he took the pictures.

Truth is Tony did not take those pictures nor did he do any research about the Surabaya Zoo.

Photo Evidence of his treachery.

Our Friend Bobbie was sharing Cee4Life's and others petition with that picture attached, and Tony reported her to Facebook, saying it was his work. That is not Tony's work, that is Michaels and CEE4LIFE'S work. Michaels Article can be found here:

Now here is the interesting part We are about to show you-

Copyright by Tony Zadel^ yet he is linking to other peoples works, pictures and petitions in his post. How are people this blind? He didn't start the petitions, He's not with CEE4LIFE and he doesn't know Michael. There is more than one petition about this zoo, yet Tony is acting like he did all that hard work.

It's amusing to say the least, how are you going to do all that hard work and post non-stop on facebook? You wouldn't, it would be days before anyone heard from you again unless you had teammates helping you, which CEE4LIFE has.

This isn't the only group he stole from to claim as his own. The following pictures are Courtesy by MOP.COM and News Coverage Courtesy by China Society
Another News Coverage by Kristina Chew, found on
One of Our Teammates was nice enough to show up with alarming evidence, She will remain nameless.

The Following is copy and paste:
go here girls... Tony Zadel attacked ACE today

you will see that ACE is going to take him on for reporting copyright infringement (just like he did me)... and people are mad! Cause he's stopping sharing of serious animal abuse issues.

His fake accts:
This looks like one of his fake accounts.. his ego let him down.. he uses these to like his own comments! (original account ???)

His real account:

Check groups he's in on both groups, warn those you know!!!!

Tony's account is Tony.Zadel the other one is his backup. We are not really sure if those are his fakes, however, please heed caution if he does start attacking you.

Now I know many dislike ACE for supporting LAG, yet in this case the reference the enemy of my enemy is my Friend fits here...

ACE's Statement:

The links are to Snapshots of How Tony Attacks certain organizations and community pages. Which we will share with you.

 Yes even Tony took pictures from PETA and claimed the work as his own.

The attack on ACE^ real mature Tony.

No Tony, let us be clear you were not the first, Cee4Life and others were.

Tony, you're busted, and proof is in everything you have shared on your facebook account. How long did you think you would get away with this? 

Tony when you do this copyright infringement report you not only hurt the organizations that took the time to do research and help these animals, but you also hurt the animals in the process, because facebook takes the petitions down, along with the story behind it. And where does that leave the community at? It leaves them not knowing about these animals because of your self absorbed EGO for Stardom.

Your 15 minutes of fame is now over, and people will be aware of what you have done now.

As for those who have been victimized by Tony, please leave comments or email us at

Additional Information Just Received.
Recently a post was shared around Facebook about an Elephant, being jumped on while drowning and Of Course Tony took credit for this as well. Again Busted in the act.

The original posting about this issue came from different news sites in Australia and Germany.
Following Links:

June 13th first post found about the Elephant, Now Look at Tony's Date Sunday was the 23rd:

More Information will be added to this Article as we receive it. Check back often.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

It Just Doesn't Stop - Pit Haters Are illogical

My friend shares a petition on a page for the defense of Pit bulls, and this woman Marie casually comments like it doesn't mean anything. Marie, If you must know the only feelings hurt were yours and DBO's founder. Then again we all know truth hurts doesn't it?

Where is she getting this information? You cannot tell a pitbull based on looks, a DNA test is required, or did you miss that memo? Furthermore you didn't answer our friends question about DBO...

So, I'll ask. If DBO supports human life, why does she stalk and attack people, along with affiliating herself with a known child killer and people like you?

Fair question, would love to see it answered. Pit's do not have a high prey drive sweety, unless you consider their origins of HERDING high prey drive, then again they don't kill live stock unless TRAINED wrong.

I believe we covered this before unpredictability are caused by the dog fighters who train and breed their dogs to be aggressive... It is the dog fighters fault that we have this problem. Do some research Marie.

15 out of 16? That's a bit off, fact is there were no PIT BULLS in the news, but then again since the Bull Mastiffs and cane corso's along with other breeds are under this label, it would be accurate. However, they are not pit bulls, APBTS weren't in the news this year unless it was a dog fighting raid bust that had rescued APBTS. Would you like to continue as my friend asked...

I surely didn't see you say they weren't bred for fighting, I saw you clearly state that Dogfighters - Pit fighters do this. Which is fact, yet you are correct Marie is missing the key points that you have stated.

This is what advocates deal with on a daily basis from these haters. The illogical spurting of falsified statements.

Marie I do believe you have a nickname don't you, Something along the lines of Mad-dog? I wonder why that is.

Like my friend stated, keep repeating you are doing a great impersonation of a PARROT. 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

DogsBite.ORG- Part 2- enough said for now

DogsBite.Org- Part 2
The followers, or should we say cult have been told to harass pro pit advocate pages. Lately they have been targeting a page that represents NZ, American Pit Bull Terrier Assn INC. Screen Shots down below to prove how unstable and illiterate these little cult trolls really are. These are some of the Usual Suspects, which are in affiliation with Colleen Lynn. APBT Inc and Our Team have had some long heated debates with them, defending once again our breeds that have been slandered.
That certainly is not the latest research, as you can all plainly see those articles are from 2011 and 2012. On top of the fact it isn’t even studies, it is medical records and notes that MD’s have taken over a course of a year, documenting dog bite incidents, does it say pit bulls? Yes, do we think they know for sure it was a Pit bull? No, because it has been proven that there are those who cannot distinguish a pit bull from a white boxer, or Dogo Argentino or even a bulldog or even a terrier.

This is the original Article, this is also were Colleen Lynn spends most of her time supposedly “researching”.
Apparently Lynne was blind to one detail this article stated such as this:
Past evaluations of different forms of regulations have led to conclusions that BSL is ineffective in reducing dog-bite injuries of varying severities
Shocking to see those whom support BSL say that it is flawed, oh my!

Did Lynne also forget to mention the TEXAS STUDY was a flawed one and has been thrown out, case in point:

(Dr. Bonnie Beaver, a professor of veterinary medicine at Texas A&M University and an expert in dog behavior, described the study as flawed. Beaver, a former president of the American Veterinary Medicine Association, who led a national task force on preventing dog bites, has testified against breed-specific bans before state lawmakers.
“These are serious injuries to humans, and I do not mean to belittle the seriousness of the problem seen at the hospital,” Beaver said. “However, the dog-related data is seriously flawed, and are used at will to try to prove a specific point of view.”
Raghavan, is a BSL enthusiast of course Raghavan would partially lie about studies that have been discontinued or thrown away, due to the flawed aspect.

Did not read the studies, yet quotes Raghavan. Interesting to say the least, the simple copying and pasting of statements without one ounce of legitimate proof supplied. Who is to say that these people actually obtained it from Ragahavan and not Colleen?
Banning any breed of dog would not help the issue, people would just move on to the next desirable breed, so where would this leave us? Genocide, wiping out every single dog in existence this is what BSL would be capable of, yet these people fail to realize this. This is why we fight; this is what keeps us going, to fight against BSL to prevent this Genocide from happening.

This is our reality, and until these people wake up, our fight will continue.

Who said we were ignoring the studies? Peer-reviewed, please Lynne read what you have said. PEER-REVIEWED, this is saying that these studies are nothing more than NOTES. Notes tend to have misinformation, and propaganda behind it, since those who are viewing it have the same narrow mindedness as the ones who wrote it. We are open to discussion and opinions yet if it is repetitive, we tend to turn off our attention to you. AWA was and has been honest behind their reasoning you are just failing to see the points behind it.

As APBT pointed out, the Spanish study showed nothing of what Lynne Stated. You didn’t have access Lynne? I think it was more along the lines, of not wanting the truth being stated.

Joanna claims she follows the bible by heart, we would like to know which one she follows, because spewing out hate toward a creation of the lord sure the heck is being hypocritical to us, we have actually taken the time to read the bibles out there. We may not worship the same superior being, but we do not turn a blind eye to most of the lessons. Joanna is also a supporter of one of the trolling pages such as this one:

We suspect that she might even be a co-creator since it has a bible statement included in the description.

We wonder if people realize that “Satan” did not create anything, he was created, 
became jealous and rebelled against “God”. He was then tossed from the heavens to rule the city of Hades ergo “Fallen Angel”… As we have stated before Wendy, that page was not an April fool’s joke.

To continue where we were, more screen shots on the way, thanks to one of our team-mates to provide them.

Veterinarians do not resist Breed restrictions yet they do have a difference in opinions, about this issue. Yet Luke feels as though no one in that profession should have an opinion or a right to voice his or her opinion. Are we saying all Veterinarians are not swindlers or frauds? No, yet those types are few far and in-between. Comparing the Tobacco, Gun, and Hotel industry to Veterinarians is like saying a Drama Actor portraying a doctor can do real surgeries. Luke your statement is flawed.

Please explain how a DOG can hijack an idea or a reputation, it’s improbable, A dog cannot communicate like us, ergo has no voice to talk or make speeches pertaining to how one feels. We as humans are the ones who can HIJACK ideas or reputation and slap it on dogs. However, in this instance, nothing was hijacked. One more thing, you spelled organization wrong.

We also forgot to mention Luke; the ones who misidentify the pit bulls are those who cannot distinguish the differences, since MEDIA shows dog pictures that are of BULLDOGS and or a DOGO… So, who is actually making it worse for whom?
Funny we do not remembering slandering any Chihuahua, yet, if you have to get technical, you do realize those small cute dogs were bred to kill snakes and protect their families right, so since they were bred to protect and kill an animal, Should we ban them too? Because that is what you trolls are stating.

(Any Animal that has been bred to guard, or kill another animal, should be put to death) On the other hand, are we wrong about that Luke is that not what you trolls are trying to get across?

The most ANYONE has ever said that was pertaining to the Chihuahua is:
(“any dog can bite, including the small superiority complex dog like the Chihuahua”) and that is far from slandering. Do we condone those who compare other breeds? NO! 

We do not worship pit bulls Luke, we are merely trying to state the obvious truth, that it is people’s fault that these dogs are in hot water.

So on top of breed discrimination Luke is also a racist, typical friend of Dawn James who sports a swastika (Nazi).

No explanation needed.

Really now? We're protesting against the sterilization law? Funny I see signs that say END BSL, not sterilization laws. Colleen take your pills, you're hallucinating. For those who think BSL is just a sterilization tactic, is truly blind! It is more than sterilization it is Genocide, it is punishing responsible owners and ignoring the true problem...(Dog Fighters). It is ripping dogs from homes and putting them to death when there is a BAN established.

Is this who you truly want to follow? One who spreads lies, and propaganda, one who follows a biased blogger who writes for maultalk, or adds a picture with an opposite meaning? Truly the human race is doomed then.

Really Colleen Lynn now you're attacking a pit bull rescue? Tia doesn't and never will support BSL. We do believe we have covered this before. However Just in case here is recaps of what Villalobos official STATEMENT was.

Now On the other hand here is what Villa Had to say in their email:
IN REGARDS TO THE WESTWEGO PIT BULL ORDINANCE - This is in part, the email that we sent to Councilman Glenn Green. As you can plainly see, there is nothing here that says we support BSL. What so many are doing is twisting my words of "showing support" as in we were supportive of the fact that he removed the BAN ordinance and was willing to meet halfway with rules such as spay/neuter, etc. providing it applied to all dogs. Again, in part this is the email that was sent......

If this ordinance is specifically for the Pit Bull breed, then the "bad guys" will get rid of their dogs to avoid any fines, violations and trouble from the law. They will then move on to a different breed. Right now the next most popular breed is the Cane Corso Mastiff. We're seeing ALOT of them in the area now. They're quickly becoming the next breed of choice for these "bad guys". So what then? We will have to create a Mastiff Ordinance? Or a Rottweiler Ordinance? And the list goes on. So what I propose is you put forth what Los Angeles did. and that's create these rules for all dogs. Why single out one breed? Why not make it safe for all dog owners and their dogs and the neighbors, etc? There is no reason that ANY dog should have to live on a chain or remain un-altered to create more unwanted puppies. Why not make it so that these ordinances come into effect so that animal control and law enforcement and rescuers have some leverage against owners who treat their dogs horribly?

So I'm sure you're getting bombarded with all sorts of ideas but I want to assure you that we are a group of level headed people that are here to assist you with anything you need to help create a safe and happy environment for the people of Westwego and their dogs.

Tia Maria Torres
So would you like to again tell us how Villa was supporting BSL, Colleen? Your Lies are catching up with you and your cult, and everyone can indeed see it now.

For those who have anymore Screen shots or "information" on this woman don't hesitate to share it, names will be kept anonymous unless you wish to be known.

Thank you for supporting us in everything we are doing. We will continue to try our best to bring you the truth and facts. <3 VFTB - TEAM <3

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Voices For The Breeds Does Not Tolerate NJ 101.5

We have been contacted by a lot of people asking for us to help with this issue that a radio stations 3 hosts NJ 101.5 has said. From the reports I have gathered it happened on May 21, 2013, there is also a flier circulating around the social networks.


These 3 Radio hosts do indeed support animal abuse, along with human abuse since they have been known to terrorize their listeners and laugh at them, whenever someone becomes defensive or has something that is intelligent and right to say.

If dogs or other animals do not feel emotion, would you kindly explain this Video right here:
Elephants mourning the loss of their Matriarch, Animals do feel emotion and pain. 

Dogs certainly do feel emotion as well. Video True Story of Hachiko:

This dog waited at the train station everyday, every month for his owner to return. His owner never returned because his owner died. Explain to me if dogs do not feel emotion why was Hachiko waiting?

These 3 hosts mocked and poked fun at Sammy. These 3 hosts stated that animal advocates and activists do not have their priorities straight. Well Ray, Judi, and Dennis. I love to break this to you, we do have our priorities straight, we know full well how animals have emotions and can feel pain.
Sammy's Page can be found here: Sammy The CockerSpaniel

Do dogs not yelp or whimper when they are injured? Yes they do.
Do dogs not get excited when you return home? Yes THEY DO.
Do dogs not "Feel" playful when you play fetch or other games with them? YES THEY DO. 
Do dogs not show the signs of anger? Yes they do, They also get frustrated  confused, and bored. All feelings am I correct? I believe and Know I am correct.

Quite Frankly I see this as, Judi, Dennis and Ray need to be retired off the air, for mentally unstable purposes. If these 3 continue to be on the air, the station will continue to lose ratings, and listeners. So unless you want your station to be sort to speak FORGOTTEN, I would take this liberty of letting those 3 go, and finding replacements OR there is an alternative, which is a public apology and them going to Animal Education Awareness Classes.

We as the advocates for all breeds and animals are not BLIND, DEAF, OR MUTE. We see, we hear, and we do speak out against people who make fun, mock and or joins in on the abuse. We will not be silent, we will not be blinded, we will not be made deaf or lose our voices. We will not turn our backs to this treacherousness act of hatred towards man/woman's counterparts.

These animals might not have a voice of their own to speak of their pain, however, that is why we are here. We are here to be their voice their messenger! What happen to Sammy was a disgrace, it was cruelty, it was a heinous act toward a defenseless animal.

We Would Like To Share A Couple Of Links With You Supplied By
petition here:

A FB Like page has begun asking people to please boycott:

A FB Event has been started here to contact the Sponsors of the Radio Show:

And Thank you everyone for all of your support!
Voices For The Breeds

Monday, May 20, 2013

Craigslist- Animals Become Victims

Another meeting with local friends who agree to spread awareness about the Craigslist usage of advertising animals as "Free to good home" or  for less than $100.

The issues we talked about in our meeting where those of people using craigslist as a main network to find their animals homes. There are other alternatives for this issue, such as Facebook, Myspace, public groups on google+. Even using wordpress and blogger would be a way better solution than craigslist.

How many people remember Alex Phelps? Phelps murdered several cats he obtained off of craigslist.

Jeffery Nally murdered 29 puppies and more.

And now there is a David Matson who admits to killing 5-6 dogs he obtained off of craigslist.

Craigslist rely's on people reporting posts that violate their terms of service, yet how many people really report correctly? 

1. Never report dog fighting issue to craigslist always take snapshots along with jotting information down and report it to the Anti Dog fighting campaign, along with the authorities plus the Humane society.

2. When finding a post for FREE TO GOOD HOME, contact that person who is posting and have a civil and polite conversation with them, informing them of the downside of using Craigslist.

3. What you should report to Craigslist is spam IE. Harassment, bullying, bots and scams OR Libel and Civil statements.

Reporting Animals for sale apparently does nothing as you can see from the reports. They still become either Victims or Obtained by honest people who care for them. Yet the chances of them going into a loving home from craigslist is SLIM to NONE.

There is a petition out there for those to sign to stop the sale and free to good home posts. If you support this idea please feel free to sign and share.