Showing posts with label Busted. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Busted. Show all posts

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Last Statement To SDS

This will be our final statement to SDS, Evie. We are done with you, you are a mere child compared to others who make it a habit to destroy the breeds out there. Your nonsense is just that, nonsense.

Case in point:
Really? I question this, due to the fact that there are always, ALWAYS petitions, always LAWYERS, and always ADVOCACY GROUPS. These dogs are not immediately euthanized at the owners request, 10 day quarantine if it is not a pit bull type dog, evaluated for temperament, court dates, petitions start, lawyers looked for, and advocacy groups form. And apologies are always made, unless that person was the reason for the attack to happen. Are you this daft?

Proof that there are lawyers for dogs:

What does that say ^ Eve? Defense for "Dogs", they have now started taking cases for ALL breeds of dogs. Your statement is flawed Eve.

REBEKA BREDER - is an animal lawyer for this firm, she has worked on a few cases in the BC AREA that were non- pit bull related.

Again Evie SDS, SUMMERS EVE. Statement FLAWED.

Another point:

CAPS is an advocate activist group dedicated in protecting companions from abuse, they even go to shelters and investigate. Again your statement is flawed.

CAPS website

CAPS' Beginnings
In 1989, when Deborah Howard, president of the Companion Animal Protection Society (CAPS) noticed the cramped, unsanitary conditions at a Docktor Pet Center, she was stunned. The company had more than 300 franchises at that time. Ms. Howard joined forces with Robert Baker, then the foremost puppy mill investigator in the country, and generated two "20/20" exposes and articles in People and Life. These exposes took on the pet shop industry - "20/20" and People named Docktor directly - and showed the horrors of puppy mills.

As a result of these efforts, Docktor Pet Centers, who refused to do business without the sale of puppies, filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in February 1993.

Ms. Howard, a former radio news reporter, lawyer and PR professional, formed CAPS in 1990. The nonprofit became a 501(c)(3), in 1992.

CAPS' Mission
Founded by President Deborah Howard in 1992, the Companion Animal Protection Society (CAPS) is the only national nonprofit organization dedicated exclusively to protecting companion animals from cruelty in pet shops and puppy mills. CAPS actively addresses the abuse and suffering of pet shop and puppy mill dogs through investigations, education, media relations, legislative involvement, puppy mill dog rescues, consumer assistance and pet industry employee relations.

Another point of proof:

Diesel, BC area allegedly bit a girl- Petitions were started, a advocacy group formed, lawyers obtained. Owner lost his dog, the dog was rehomed out of the BC area. REHOMED not put to death, then again we don't know because of the judges ruling, stating that Diesel's information be kept PRIVATE from anyone involved with the advocacy group, his ex owner, which included the lawyer. So again EVIE your statement is flawed.

Another case in point- Chum and Champ:

This case made headlines, Chum and Champ - NEWFOUNDLANDS not pit bulls by the way. Accused of attacking a Jack russell terrier by a spiteful woman. Petitions were made, and an advocacy group created, a lawyer obtained - REBEKA BREDER. Chum declared Dangerous while Champ was taken away from the Mansea family. Chum spent about 2 to 3 years in the SPCA pound. Until finally she was freed, only to pass away from complications of "Cancer".

Again Evie your statement is FLAWED.

The only reason "SOME" Victims are blamed because they provoked the dogs into attacking, or they made the dog feel threatened. 

Those who were attacked without provocation have been apologized too, and sympathy for them is always stated, along with which the owner is blamed for irresponsibility. If the owner puts the dog down because of what happened, instead of rehoming the dog into a better environment for training and socializing than that owner TRULY did not give a shit about their dog. Again Evie your statements are flawed.

This is our last Statement to you Evie- you have a lot of growing up to do, and a lot of education to learn. Get off the comp box and read some books, instead of biased pit hating blogs, such as Maultalk, Dogsbite, and Pitbull holocaust since those are your true reliable, reputable, credible resources -.-

Bullshit- is not credible, reputable maybe, for her lies, and flawed statistics. reliable, far from it. And we have taken it up with them, D'uh did you not see all the blogs, forums and youtube videos out there? 

I don't pity you Evie, you deserve the crap you receive  that you have dealt to others. KARMA it happens.

Even now your followers are seeing the truth behind your surade.

You now have only 64 followers from? 228 that's a lot of people waking up Evie.
Soon you will only have that Pit Hating cult from the following your stupidity, enjoy it because their your only fans/friends.

Yep, basically. But Evie, there is nothing libel here, especially when there is PROOF behind everything we have ever Stated.

 now be a good little girl and 

Good Bye Evie- SDS-Summers Eve- We wash our hands of you, pesty troll that you are, not even worth this news/blog space, however, we made an exception just these couple times, on request from our fellow advocates...

Love you guys over there at Nutty Quotes, continue the work you do. <3

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Truth It Does Set People Free

Down below is a 2 parter of the News Radio Show that conspired with none other than Colleen Lynn. Please Pause to fully read the statements made. And thank you to those who have shared these Videos with us.

Part 1

Part 2

What Colleen Lynn First Stated to a news station
 (yet she is quick to change stories on the radio show):

Lynn is doing a lot more than just wanting pit bull dogs with muzzles on them when they are in public. She is wanting them all to be put down.

Additions here: Some very nice People have just submitted a couple more videos. Thank you for sharing this with us, as always names will be kept 
anonymous unless they wish to be known.

Exposing DogsBite.Org apparently cut into parts, we will try to get them in order :)
Did you hear what he said, Cory Nelson is the brainchild behind all of this. Really now, Interesting.

This Video has to be watched on Youtube, due to the fact that we are unable to embed it into this blog, Sorry for the inconvience:
Video Link:

4th and final Vid by this youtube poster:

And for the Pit Haters- Pay Attention to your dogs- 2009:

This one is just insulting Pit Type Owners. Keep it up Colleen, you will surely win the popularity contest...:

Sorry if we are filling this blog up with Video's, however, this is what has been happening since 2008 and now 2013, her crusade is nothing more than Revenge, a Psychotic Vendetta Against a voiceless animal. Colleen Lynn, I don't know why you are doing this, your actions have already cost the life of the dog that bit you, why must you continue to spread your hatred and lies across millions of people? Why must you continue to march with those whom have been brainwashed by you, to seek and destroy any and all pit type dogs? You Colleen Lynn are destroying lives and ripping dogs that HAVE DONE NOTHING from families homes. How is this fair, in your eyes?
How is taking one "tragic" and I say "tragic" loosely due to some of the blame lying on you for being the one who started the attack, and making it into something far worse than what it was, going to BETTER our HUMANITY our SOCIETY, as a whole?

There are more Video's, yet we believe people get the gist of what this woman has and will continue to do, if she is not stopped.

DogsBite.ORG- Part 2- enough said for now

DogsBite.Org- Part 2
The followers, or should we say cult have been told to harass pro pit advocate pages. Lately they have been targeting a page that represents NZ, American Pit Bull Terrier Assn INC. Screen Shots down below to prove how unstable and illiterate these little cult trolls really are. These are some of the Usual Suspects, which are in affiliation with Colleen Lynn. APBT Inc and Our Team have had some long heated debates with them, defending once again our breeds that have been slandered.
That certainly is not the latest research, as you can all plainly see those articles are from 2011 and 2012. On top of the fact it isn’t even studies, it is medical records and notes that MD’s have taken over a course of a year, documenting dog bite incidents, does it say pit bulls? Yes, do we think they know for sure it was a Pit bull? No, because it has been proven that there are those who cannot distinguish a pit bull from a white boxer, or Dogo Argentino or even a bulldog or even a terrier.

This is the original Article, this is also were Colleen Lynn spends most of her time supposedly “researching”.
Apparently Lynne was blind to one detail this article stated such as this:
Past evaluations of different forms of regulations have led to conclusions that BSL is ineffective in reducing dog-bite injuries of varying severities
Shocking to see those whom support BSL say that it is flawed, oh my!

Did Lynne also forget to mention the TEXAS STUDY was a flawed one and has been thrown out, case in point:

(Dr. Bonnie Beaver, a professor of veterinary medicine at Texas A&M University and an expert in dog behavior, described the study as flawed. Beaver, a former president of the American Veterinary Medicine Association, who led a national task force on preventing dog bites, has testified against breed-specific bans before state lawmakers.
“These are serious injuries to humans, and I do not mean to belittle the seriousness of the problem seen at the hospital,” Beaver said. “However, the dog-related data is seriously flawed, and are used at will to try to prove a specific point of view.”
Raghavan, is a BSL enthusiast of course Raghavan would partially lie about studies that have been discontinued or thrown away, due to the flawed aspect.

Did not read the studies, yet quotes Raghavan. Interesting to say the least, the simple copying and pasting of statements without one ounce of legitimate proof supplied. Who is to say that these people actually obtained it from Ragahavan and not Colleen?
Banning any breed of dog would not help the issue, people would just move on to the next desirable breed, so where would this leave us? Genocide, wiping out every single dog in existence this is what BSL would be capable of, yet these people fail to realize this. This is why we fight; this is what keeps us going, to fight against BSL to prevent this Genocide from happening.

This is our reality, and until these people wake up, our fight will continue.

Who said we were ignoring the studies? Peer-reviewed, please Lynne read what you have said. PEER-REVIEWED, this is saying that these studies are nothing more than NOTES. Notes tend to have misinformation, and propaganda behind it, since those who are viewing it have the same narrow mindedness as the ones who wrote it. We are open to discussion and opinions yet if it is repetitive, we tend to turn off our attention to you. AWA was and has been honest behind their reasoning you are just failing to see the points behind it.

As APBT pointed out, the Spanish study showed nothing of what Lynne Stated. You didn’t have access Lynne? I think it was more along the lines, of not wanting the truth being stated.

Joanna claims she follows the bible by heart, we would like to know which one she follows, because spewing out hate toward a creation of the lord sure the heck is being hypocritical to us, we have actually taken the time to read the bibles out there. We may not worship the same superior being, but we do not turn a blind eye to most of the lessons. Joanna is also a supporter of one of the trolling pages such as this one:

We suspect that she might even be a co-creator since it has a bible statement included in the description.

We wonder if people realize that “Satan” did not create anything, he was created, 
became jealous and rebelled against “God”. He was then tossed from the heavens to rule the city of Hades ergo “Fallen Angel”… As we have stated before Wendy, that page was not an April fool’s joke.

To continue where we were, more screen shots on the way, thanks to one of our team-mates to provide them.

Veterinarians do not resist Breed restrictions yet they do have a difference in opinions, about this issue. Yet Luke feels as though no one in that profession should have an opinion or a right to voice his or her opinion. Are we saying all Veterinarians are not swindlers or frauds? No, yet those types are few far and in-between. Comparing the Tobacco, Gun, and Hotel industry to Veterinarians is like saying a Drama Actor portraying a doctor can do real surgeries. Luke your statement is flawed.

Please explain how a DOG can hijack an idea or a reputation, it’s improbable, A dog cannot communicate like us, ergo has no voice to talk or make speeches pertaining to how one feels. We as humans are the ones who can HIJACK ideas or reputation and slap it on dogs. However, in this instance, nothing was hijacked. One more thing, you spelled organization wrong.

We also forgot to mention Luke; the ones who misidentify the pit bulls are those who cannot distinguish the differences, since MEDIA shows dog pictures that are of BULLDOGS and or a DOGO… So, who is actually making it worse for whom?
Funny we do not remembering slandering any Chihuahua, yet, if you have to get technical, you do realize those small cute dogs were bred to kill snakes and protect their families right, so since they were bred to protect and kill an animal, Should we ban them too? Because that is what you trolls are stating.

(Any Animal that has been bred to guard, or kill another animal, should be put to death) On the other hand, are we wrong about that Luke is that not what you trolls are trying to get across?

The most ANYONE has ever said that was pertaining to the Chihuahua is:
(“any dog can bite, including the small superiority complex dog like the Chihuahua”) and that is far from slandering. Do we condone those who compare other breeds? NO! 

We do not worship pit bulls Luke, we are merely trying to state the obvious truth, that it is people’s fault that these dogs are in hot water.

So on top of breed discrimination Luke is also a racist, typical friend of Dawn James who sports a swastika (Nazi).

No explanation needed.

Really now? We're protesting against the sterilization law? Funny I see signs that say END BSL, not sterilization laws. Colleen take your pills, you're hallucinating. For those who think BSL is just a sterilization tactic, is truly blind! It is more than sterilization it is Genocide, it is punishing responsible owners and ignoring the true problem...(Dog Fighters). It is ripping dogs from homes and putting them to death when there is a BAN established.

Is this who you truly want to follow? One who spreads lies, and propaganda, one who follows a biased blogger who writes for maultalk, or adds a picture with an opposite meaning? Truly the human race is doomed then.

Really Colleen Lynn now you're attacking a pit bull rescue? Tia doesn't and never will support BSL. We do believe we have covered this before. However Just in case here is recaps of what Villalobos official STATEMENT was.

Now On the other hand here is what Villa Had to say in their email:
IN REGARDS TO THE WESTWEGO PIT BULL ORDINANCE - This is in part, the email that we sent to Councilman Glenn Green. As you can plainly see, there is nothing here that says we support BSL. What so many are doing is twisting my words of "showing support" as in we were supportive of the fact that he removed the BAN ordinance and was willing to meet halfway with rules such as spay/neuter, etc. providing it applied to all dogs. Again, in part this is the email that was sent......

If this ordinance is specifically for the Pit Bull breed, then the "bad guys" will get rid of their dogs to avoid any fines, violations and trouble from the law. They will then move on to a different breed. Right now the next most popular breed is the Cane Corso Mastiff. We're seeing ALOT of them in the area now. They're quickly becoming the next breed of choice for these "bad guys". So what then? We will have to create a Mastiff Ordinance? Or a Rottweiler Ordinance? And the list goes on. So what I propose is you put forth what Los Angeles did. and that's create these rules for all dogs. Why single out one breed? Why not make it safe for all dog owners and their dogs and the neighbors, etc? There is no reason that ANY dog should have to live on a chain or remain un-altered to create more unwanted puppies. Why not make it so that these ordinances come into effect so that animal control and law enforcement and rescuers have some leverage against owners who treat their dogs horribly?

So I'm sure you're getting bombarded with all sorts of ideas but I want to assure you that we are a group of level headed people that are here to assist you with anything you need to help create a safe and happy environment for the people of Westwego and their dogs.

Tia Maria Torres
So would you like to again tell us how Villa was supporting BSL, Colleen? Your Lies are catching up with you and your cult, and everyone can indeed see it now.

For those who have anymore Screen shots or "information" on this woman don't hesitate to share it, names will be kept anonymous unless you wish to be known.

Thank you for supporting us in everything we are doing. We will continue to try our best to bring you the truth and facts. <3 VFTB - TEAM <3

Friday, March 29, 2013

Diana And Lissette The Scam Game

Oh I am quite certain that many people have heard of Lissette Alvarez the singer/song writer of MIAMI FLORIDA. So much has been happening with the Diana Peters incident of scamming money from people for dogs she doesn't have.

Well folks she has Wubbzy, who she calls wiggly. Well how in the world did she get this dog if she isn't allowed to pull from MDAS. Guess what, that woman you all admire for her songs/lyrics, helped Diana Peters get little wiggly from MDAS.

Lissette Alvarez is 501C3 this is true which makes her TAX EXEMPT, but does not allow her to COLLECT DONATIONS Legally in the STATE of FLORIDA without being Registered with the Department of Agriculture.

Fur Angel Animal Rescue Gift Certificate is EXPIRED. It has expired on the 20th of February. Lissette Alvarez cannot collect Donations Legally Anymore. She shouldn't even be allowed to Pull Dogs from MDAS, because of her affiliation with Diana Peters and the fact that she gives dogs to Diana Peters, to Enable her to HOARD more dogs in her home, it's absolutely lunacy. I mean really What kind of RESCUE gives a KNOWN animal Abuser DOGS?

Yes Lissette is aware of what Diana Peters is all about, however she just doesn't give a care, about anything.

There is more, MDAS has a form that must be filled out before any adopter can claim a dog from a Rescue. As per snap shot below, which has been highlighted.

So, Lissette you have Violated your End of the deal with MDAS. Congratulations You have been OFFICIALLY BUSTED.

Scam/Fraud/Enabler of an animal abuser. Please don't quit your day Job sweets.  Maybe eventually you'll be singing a song of the Jail Bird variety.

Let's hope my heads up to the Broward County Humane Society get's these two pigeons caught and locked up.