Showing posts with label Awareness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Awareness. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Theft Among The ARA Community

Theft Lies and false copyright. – Facebook fails to investigate properly.

We have been emailed, on all of our accounts and asked to deal with the Situation pertaining to a Tony Z. It seems as though Tony has been stealing research, pictures, and hard work pertaining to animals that are in danger. 

We see this as a wrong doing on Tony Z’s part. We understand that he wants to help these animals, yet what we don’t understand is why he has to claim hard work by others as his own.

Recently CEE4LIFE and Michael Bachelard had their work claimed by Tony Zadel… Now we know a lot of you lovely people out there have seen a post pertaining to the Sorry State of the Surabaya Zoo… This had an emaciated tiger in the posts, which Tony claimed he took the pictures.

Truth is Tony did not take those pictures nor did he do any research about the Surabaya Zoo.

Photo Evidence of his treachery.

Our Friend Bobbie was sharing Cee4Life's and others petition with that picture attached, and Tony reported her to Facebook, saying it was his work. That is not Tony's work, that is Michaels and CEE4LIFE'S work. Michaels Article can be found here:

Now here is the interesting part We are about to show you-

Copyright by Tony Zadel^ yet he is linking to other peoples works, pictures and petitions in his post. How are people this blind? He didn't start the petitions, He's not with CEE4LIFE and he doesn't know Michael. There is more than one petition about this zoo, yet Tony is acting like he did all that hard work.

It's amusing to say the least, how are you going to do all that hard work and post non-stop on facebook? You wouldn't, it would be days before anyone heard from you again unless you had teammates helping you, which CEE4LIFE has.

This isn't the only group he stole from to claim as his own. The following pictures are Courtesy by MOP.COM and News Coverage Courtesy by China Society
Another News Coverage by Kristina Chew, found on
One of Our Teammates was nice enough to show up with alarming evidence, She will remain nameless.

The Following is copy and paste:
go here girls... Tony Zadel attacked ACE today

you will see that ACE is going to take him on for reporting copyright infringement (just like he did me)... and people are mad! Cause he's stopping sharing of serious animal abuse issues.

His fake accts:
This looks like one of his fake accounts.. his ego let him down.. he uses these to like his own comments! (original account ???)

His real account:

Check groups he's in on both groups, warn those you know!!!!

Tony's account is Tony.Zadel the other one is his backup. We are not really sure if those are his fakes, however, please heed caution if he does start attacking you.

Now I know many dislike ACE for supporting LAG, yet in this case the reference the enemy of my enemy is my Friend fits here...

ACE's Statement:

The links are to Snapshots of How Tony Attacks certain organizations and community pages. Which we will share with you.

 Yes even Tony took pictures from PETA and claimed the work as his own.

The attack on ACE^ real mature Tony.

No Tony, let us be clear you were not the first, Cee4Life and others were.

Tony, you're busted, and proof is in everything you have shared on your facebook account. How long did you think you would get away with this? 

Tony when you do this copyright infringement report you not only hurt the organizations that took the time to do research and help these animals, but you also hurt the animals in the process, because facebook takes the petitions down, along with the story behind it. And where does that leave the community at? It leaves them not knowing about these animals because of your self absorbed EGO for Stardom.

Your 15 minutes of fame is now over, and people will be aware of what you have done now.

As for those who have been victimized by Tony, please leave comments or email us at

Additional Information Just Received.
Recently a post was shared around Facebook about an Elephant, being jumped on while drowning and Of Course Tony took credit for this as well. Again Busted in the act.

The original posting about this issue came from different news sites in Australia and Germany.
Following Links:

June 13th first post found about the Elephant, Now Look at Tony's Date Sunday was the 23rd:

More Information will be added to this Article as we receive it. Check back often.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Foot Down- Stop the Feud!

Children should be seen, not heard- I think I like this quote/reference.

Many know by now that there is a war going on by two different groups, recently one of our teammates was messaged on Facebook with a link to the lestrollops blog. Sorry to say, trying to get us involved with this feud or trying to make us see reason to take sides will not help your cause, or goal which ever that might be.

This is about a dog’s life yet you are turning it into something much more. Point Blank the dog “Lennox” was put to death for the wrong reasons. And yet you all continue to bicker amongst each other.

Let it be known I am not taking any sides, not yet, unless both parties can legitimately prove that they are right or the other is wrong. You both have done none of that so far.

What I do not appreciate is taking something that Deed Not Breed Uk has stated and turned it into something it wasn't meant for. (Lestrollops) 

Where is the proof that these people have threatened you, with anything, Lestrollops?

Where is the proof that Mel Page has all these aliases? You are taking snap shots of random names and putting it together stating it is Mel Page. Sorry to say, it proves nothing and anyone with a brain can see you are doing this to destroy someone’s reputation over a disagreement you had during a meeting/conference/court.

I am an outsider looking in, I am looking at both blogs and the most I get from them is a bunch of women/men, mud slinging insults at one another. Quite frankly, grow up.

I do believe I am not the only who feels like they're caught back in high school drama. I do not care who is right or wrong in this situation, when both parties are wrong, for attacking each other online, instead of talking it out like ADULTS.

Also taking screenshots of Mel’s Page Facebook account having a conversation with friends about stupid things proves what? Nothing and the comments on your lestrollops blog belong to those who are in your little hate/attacker group. 

Lennox Case affiliates who are possibly writing the Lestrollops blog, is Winters and several others. Of course they would start hating on those who found out the truth of what happened... Which I will leave for those who are not in the feud to disclose to the public when they are ready.

Not my place, since the only thing I truly know about Lennox, is he was taken, put in the pound and then put to death. I truly do not care for back story or who's right or wrong, The only thing I truly care about is the fact that a life was lost due to DDA and BSL.

Truthfully the more I read Lestrollops blog the more I feel reason to side with LLAAV. Since this has been happening for about 18 months straight now, and it seems as though Lestrollops doesn't care about anything but sullying names, or taking screenshots of conversations between friends.

This is one of the screenshots I am talking about, They took what DNB uk stated and twisted it into something else.

Sigh, taken a screenshot and underlining words to make it mean something else helps your case how? I see no underlining meaning here. Mel made a statement that is true and to the point. People/Owners should have a choice at which organization to use, and it shouldn't matter how many number of cases, but the the amount of care these animals receive.

I sense some jealousy with the lestrollops blog... Far as I can Tell Mel, isn't obsessed with numbers not even in her "Heather Jones" Days. Did we mention Mel is Mel, and Heather is Heather.

Yet as I stated above, they take screenshots of different accounts and try to make you believe that all those accounts are of the same Person. Trust me, they are not the same person, they are all individuals.

Don't take my word for how vile Lestrollops are being just visit their blog and you will see the insanity.

Meanwhile LLAAV, is stuck defending themselves from such insanity... And this is where I put my foot down.

Both sides have made this into a dispute, a long out battle.
Both Sides are at fault here for continuing the bickering.
Both Sides, need to hash this out like adults not like high school teenage girls.
There is too much drama in the world for this to continue, the deed was done, Lennox is lost to us... And you know what.... BOTH PARTIES are TARNISHING his MEMORY and what he STOOD FOR. 

And truthfully Lestrollops this dispute should have been kept between you, Mel and possibly ted, heather and pallack.

Not Karin or the others you have listed on your "troll list". I know Karin personally and she is far from a troll, she is a lovely woman who cares deeply for all these animals that need homes, or whom have been deemed dangerous unfairly. She is also my Teammate and a great asset to my research team, Maybe if you got to know her, you would have seen that, but no, Lestrollops decided to stalk, and harass her for asking a simple question on a page.

So asking where the information came from apparently makes people a troll, lestrollops? I would have asked the same question if I had seen this page. Some things are hard to believe, without the proof to back it up.

Lestrollops, LLAAV.. My statement to both of you.

First to Lestrollops:

Stop stalking, harassing, slandering and defaming, DNB UK and EGAR, you are not helping the animals involved, what you are doing is making it impossible for these dogs to find homes. What don't you understand? EGAR from what I understand it is practically the only bully breed rescue Ireland has right now.. Why would you damage this for them? Why would you say such trash about them? Them whom have been working hard to get these dogs into proper homes and out of danger from being Euthanized...

If you truly care for any animals life you would stop these asinine attacks on these groups.

DNB UK helps owners with the DDA am I correct? Helps them handle the court cases etc, now if you continue to attack DNB Uk, where are these owners supposed to turn to then when they need help with these court cases, or help handling the pressure that the DDA has been dishing out. This not only affects the owners, but the dogs lives in this case.

So please forgive me if I think you need to give these unwarranted attacks a rest for awhile, because I truly see no need for them since this is all based on a disagreement.
If you want to help these animals, then do so, but not if it costs the lives of others..

I know you have been through a tremendous amount of stress piled on from Lestrollops... Yet feeding into the hype, and trash talk doesn't make this look anymore good on you either.

Ignore, block, ban that's all you can do, that's all any of us can do with people who chose to show hate instead of help or constructive comments. Truly I know where I stand and I must say even though I agree with some of what you have stated....

The dispute, is unwarranted, it's unprofessional, it looks childish. And most of all it takes focus off the issue at hand, which is FIGHTING against the BSL.

Remember this next time you all start poking at each others throats.. Use your hate for each other to focus on advocating against the BSL and DDA laws. And not this he said, or she said arguments.

It's pointless, it's tiresome, and a majority of other advocates are getting sick and tired of being dragged into this bullarchy, when they have said nothing or have done nothing for them to be dragged into it. Keep this battle between yourselves and in private. No one cares for this drama, no one cares for the he said she said scenario when there isn't any evidence to back the statements made.

Good Luck to the both of you, May the better person walk away from this and learn to IGNORE the attention seeking ways of hateful people.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

It Just Doesn't Stop - Pit Haters Are illogical

My friend shares a petition on a page for the defense of Pit bulls, and this woman Marie casually comments like it doesn't mean anything. Marie, If you must know the only feelings hurt were yours and DBO's founder. Then again we all know truth hurts doesn't it?

Where is she getting this information? You cannot tell a pitbull based on looks, a DNA test is required, or did you miss that memo? Furthermore you didn't answer our friends question about DBO...

So, I'll ask. If DBO supports human life, why does she stalk and attack people, along with affiliating herself with a known child killer and people like you?

Fair question, would love to see it answered. Pit's do not have a high prey drive sweety, unless you consider their origins of HERDING high prey drive, then again they don't kill live stock unless TRAINED wrong.

I believe we covered this before unpredictability are caused by the dog fighters who train and breed their dogs to be aggressive... It is the dog fighters fault that we have this problem. Do some research Marie.

15 out of 16? That's a bit off, fact is there were no PIT BULLS in the news, but then again since the Bull Mastiffs and cane corso's along with other breeds are under this label, it would be accurate. However, they are not pit bulls, APBTS weren't in the news this year unless it was a dog fighting raid bust that had rescued APBTS. Would you like to continue as my friend asked...

I surely didn't see you say they weren't bred for fighting, I saw you clearly state that Dogfighters - Pit fighters do this. Which is fact, yet you are correct Marie is missing the key points that you have stated.

This is what advocates deal with on a daily basis from these haters. The illogical spurting of falsified statements.

Marie I do believe you have a nickname don't you, Something along the lines of Mad-dog? I wonder why that is.

Like my friend stated, keep repeating you are doing a great impersonation of a PARROT. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

L.A.G- You Hit The Low Level

I don't know whether or not to think that  maybe all this is a game to you ladies and gents over there... However, with a statement you made on Sunday June 16th, I have to wonder what on earth went through your minds when you stated this?

I'm just wondering how you can compare what is happening in Turkey to Hitler's Mass Genocide (Holocaust)? If Hitler didn't gas his people, then explain the concentration camps with the chambers for the Cyanide- mustard gas. 

Hitler's issue wasn't a civil war, I'll give you that one, but it was a WORLD WAR. What happened in Germany should never be repeated.

What's happening in Turkey shouldn't happen either, but their policemen aren't using cyanide-mustard gas, now are they? Tear gas is non lethal and so is pepper spray. It is a crowd control method used even in prison. It is  used against the people in getting them to back off.

Hitler didn't gas his people? He just had soldiers shoot them in the streets, women, children and men who resisted the concentration camps, that had the gas there... Oh, and yes he did use gas in the streets. he also had soldiers who raped women and young teenage girls. Do you really want to compare this to Hitler still?

Whom ever is posting at LAG seriously needs an education in our world's history.

We whited out the name he or she responded too, that was their point? Never before? You're kidding right? Gas has been used in the cities, they did gas cities in Germany, you seriously need to get your facts together LAG. Not only did they use gas but military vehicles and guns against unarmed civilians. Would you like to continue this moronic statement LAG?

I think you need to talk to the holocaust survivors and get their side of what has happened.

You have not only insulted those who have survived, but those who have lost their lives in this tragic horrible event in history.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

When It Storms- It's A Powerful One.

Have we lost retrospective? The ability to look back and learn from our past mistakes seems to have slipped the minds of many. It's important to have this trait when advocating to learn from our mess ups in speeches, and out crys.

We have seen too many advocates, and page owners, plus some of our own team members make little inspiration or constructiveness critique to our goal.

With all the meetings we have had with our local neighborhoods, we've come to the conclusion that not everyone is on the same page, not everyone is truly aware what BSL truly is. Not everyone is aware of the dangers Craigslist posses. And not everyone is aware of the reality in shelters or of PETA.

With all the "hate pages" we have been told about, we came to another conclusion or should we say... A means of questioning these pit haters Seriousness.

We question the seriousness, for a couple of reasons. With all the posts these haters have made on their page, a majority of them come off as a joke, or moronic in statements.

Such Statements as random statistics. One in statement in particular clicked with us. (In the state of Texas and California over 2,000 dog bite attacks were by pit bulls.)

Now being that some of our teammates are in California and Texas we had to ask them is this accurate?

The statement is only partially accurate, yes there were over 2,000 bites/attacks and there are 4 states that had these statistics. Georgia, Illinois, California and Texas. However it was not by specific BREEDS. The highest rate listed was of Labradors, German Shepherds, Chihuahua's and Mixes, pit and other, from the ER records/testimonies of patients..

Will also point out that many of the patients that came into the ER couldn't really identify the dogs in question and gave the generic answer of Might have been a MIX.

So of course there is going to be over 2,000 reports! There were different dogs in the listings and furthermore that "statistic" was taken back in 2010-2011 and has fallen down to 2.1% in 2012, and has continued to lower even now.

Since advocate's and others have been stating Bite Prevention tips.

Another Statement by Anti Pit Advocates- Pits have locking jaws.

No They do not, their muscle structure even though strong, are like any other dog breed, their jaw doesn't lock. Please ask a Vet to show you Xrays of their bone structure and muscle structure and compare it to other dogs. You will see the similarities.

Anti Pit Advocate statements- Inbred, mutants, land sharks, crocodiles, alligators, attack without provocation, inherently dangerous, they don't feel pain.

Inbred- yes, if they are from puppy mills, backyard, basement breeders.
Mutants- far from it, they are DOGS nothing more

Land Sharks- Where's the fin and double eye lids?
Crocodiles/Alligators- Where's the scaly skin, and DOGS ARE NOT COLD BLOODED.

Attack without provocation- Are you positive about that, are you at the scene of the incident, do you know the full story of the event?

Inherently dangerous- Are you a genealogist now? Last checked these dogs have had their aggressive trait bred out throughout the 100+ years they were on this earth. The ones you have to watch for are those who are bred through dog fighters.

They don't feel pain- So your saying, they don't whine or whimper when their hurt? That is funny to hear people say this, when we own this type of dog, and they do feel pain, they just PUSH themselves through it, to please their owners, and when they can no longer push through it, they whine, yelp, and whimper. That is them crying in pain.

Then we have people who do not understand what BSL is, and no we are not talking about the army codes.

Breed Specific Legislation- “Breed-specific” legislation (BSL) is the blanket term for laws that either regulate or ban certain breeds completely in the hopes of reducing dog attacks. Some city/municipal governments have enacted breed-specific laws. However, the problem of dangerous dogs will not be remedied by the “quick fix” of breed-specific laws—or, as they should truly be called, breed-discriminatory laws.

Bsl- has done more than ban dogs, they have killed, ripped families apart and punished the responsible good owners. Bsl is more than just about spay/neutering these dogs, Bsl is for a total annihilation of these breeds that are on their list. As the site has stated dogs go into hiding and can lead to irresponsible people owning these breeds, which is proven to be fact- case in point Dog fighters tend to go for this breed of dog. When they go in hiding then we have a problem.

Look up the DENVER BSL act and find out the truth about this issue, trust me you will not be happy with the results you find.

Craigslist- People use craigslist to get their dogs, cats and other animals adopted out. Yet they place ads that state free to good home or less than $100, this is prime hunting ground for Dog fighters, abusers and killers, and laboratories. Just look it up there are tons of news articles about craigslist.

Shelters- are over packed with Pit bulls and Chihuahuas being the 2nd breed. Shelters that are a No kill, euthanize these dogs everyday to make room for new intakes this is a fact. they give these dogs less than a week to be adopted out. They do not network most of these dogs and people do not realize that they can find a great dog at a shelter, but continue to shop at Pet stores. Look instead of going to a pet store go to a Shelter, they have all sorts of dogs there even purebreds if that is what you're into.

PETA- My personal dealings with them, and yes I am going to speak out about this. I called and emailed to PETA about certain dogs in the IL area being starved and mistreated they told me to contact the local ACO, I did and the ACO did nothing, didn't even take the dogs away. Aco then proceeded to tell me to contact PETA, once again I did, and PETA stated they will not do anything, they do not deal with this certain situation. Last I checked PETA stood for: People for the ethical treatment of Animals. And have had taken in cats and dogs before. Why the change?
Turns out PETA isn't all it's cracked up to be. And the dogs in question, passed away because no one would step up and help these dogs.

THANKS IL ACO AND PETA, you guys are brilliant! (sarcasm) 

Now onto our fellow advocates- Please remember we are making a statement and we really should not applaud the following- Bodily harm to another individual, even though some might deserve such treatment. - Advocating for killing another human being, even though we are angered by the news we received and even though maybe, in some cases those people shouldn't have existed. Every statement we make is watched and read by many, we must control our anger or it could be used against us.
We are for PRO-LIFE, pro- life means humans as well as animals, we must remember this. Not all humans are bad even though the bad ones are making it very hard to stand with the human race on some issues.

The more we learn, the more we question Humanity and the simple things of life. The more we learn, the more we appreciate our companions and animals.

We are their voice and we must remember this. Without our voice they will continue to be unheard.

Be a Voice.
Be active.
Be Strong.
Be open to possibilities.

Be The Better Person.


Monday, June 10, 2013

What Has The World Become

What has this world become? Truly, it is a mess out there, and truly some have lost respect for the four legged kind. Some have even used these wonderful creatures as profit, via Scam Organizations or in Dog fighting areas.

Greed is our downfall, and it will be our destruction, we were meant to protect these animals, not abuse, not hurt, and surely not to pit them up against another.

We as the human race must continue to evolve, we must continue to fight for what we believe in, for what is right. We must continue to help, save and speak for these animals.

We must right the wrongs, even if it leads us down into the filth. Busting bad guys, takes strength, courage and the willpower to face fears.

We as advocates, have the power to move people with our words, we as activists have the power to save animals with our actions. We as the majority have the power to protest against the BSL, and prove those who would do our animals harm, wrong.

What will it take to make people understand, that abusing, dumping and or fighting their animals is wrong? When will people wake up and understand that our animals aren't the problem, it is us, the humans, that turn them into this. 

People turn pets into something they were not supposed to be. Fighters, killers, and or hate to say it, sex toys.

People are the problem, but people can also be the solution.

It is time for all of us to wake up, and be something more, be a voice, be the protector, be the one who trains our companions correctly, be the one who will be their for them for a change.

We need change, we need to change for the better. The only way change will happen is if everyone works together for the common good, and stops attacking one another for one's opinions.

Scam organizations, puppy mills, backyard breeders, dog fighters, abusers on and on, need to be shut down, put behind bars, and never be allowed to own another animal ever again, or operate a facility.

Report abuse, dogfighters, puppy mills to the ASPCA, Humane Society and the Anti dogfighting campaign. 

Never report this to Facebook, these are  the people out there who deal with this everyday, every second. And they need you to help them to stop the criminals.

Remember this next time you see something like Dog fighting on facebook, craigslist and other social media networks. Remember to report them to the Anti dogfighting campaign, the ASPCA and Humane Society. Those people are there to help with busting criminals and saving these animals.

Be the voice of change, do the right thing.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Funny Things - SDS

This is hilarious to say the least; apparently, we made threats to someone named Eve. Sorry, yet, we are not listening to you. Saying we have a special surprise is not a threat, far from it. Special surprise could mean a guest appearance, on your page, having a decent conversation with you. However since you did this little stunt, we changed our minds.

Eve Founder of Safe Dog Society (Safe Douche Society) and “Summers Eve” (Summers Shit) has delusions of grandeur.
Oh please, reporting us for making this statement does what now? Eve you are SDS, Why are you hiding behind this page now? What Threat? Did we hit a nerve by saying people will stop following you and your crank ideas?

Sorry we do not appreciate you, making threats to us. You have been banned from our page, yet, go ahead continue to make comments on your aliases, along with your little lackey’s they will all be banned because we heard your nonsense before.

You keep stating you say nothing wrong, yet you are targeting the Pit type dogs. In addition, stating that Pit advocates are defending criminals, dogfighters, etc. We do not defend them we defend the responsible owners. Get your facts straight you sociopath.

If you are not stating anything wrong, Explain what has been stated in these screen shots listed below. Thanks Nutty For supplying them on your page, Hope you don’t mind we kind of snagged them.

Pit bull owners hurting Pit bulls? You have one thing right, yet you said it wrong. It should be along the lines of Irresponsible Pit Bull Owners are hurting Pit bulls. Does not mean ban or kill all pit bulls? Explain Denver you twat!

Look what your BSL HAS DONE! Over 3,000 dogs, Pulled from the shelter and or homes and killed in DENVER when the BAN was enacted. This photo was taken in 2006. Would you like to explain this? Would you like to explain how BSL DOESN'T KILL? We doubt you can, these dogs were innocent  these dogs did nothing wrong, but be born into a society that specifically targets these breeds because of what the MEDIA states.

We don't know what's more amazing Eve (SDS) your lies or those who follow you. Case In Point:

No Alexandra, you cannot be an animal lover type person, and HATE a specific breed. Animals lovers, love all animals and speak for them. You are no such person, You aren't even someone who appreciates or loves dogs, Enough said about you. (Hypocrite)

Back to Safe Douche Society:

Look to the right, she states; Advocates like us are protecting the dogfighters, the dog breeders, and sadistic animal abusers. We are not, and will not Protect them, If you have been listening and or should we say STALKING facebook you would have seen Advocates/activists such as the ANTI-DOGFIGHTING CAMPAIGN, working tirelessly against these people. Which By The Way, we do help them with this issue. However, Thanks for Screen shotting what was stated by us, and twisting it into something else.

Now onto this little bit of information:

Who stated what now? The Truth is, Saint Bernards, and English Staffies were treated as Nanny dogs... However, they ARE NOT NANNY DOGS, and we have made it a point to STATE this every time we advocate. Vintage pictures that have been taken were showing kids and family appreciating and spending time with their dogs. The Nanny dog came from the Peter Pan Books, start reading, you'll get a kick out of it. Oh and STOP using the "Nanny Dog" excuse, you hypocrite.

Next Issue:

Eve, AKA Summers Eve, aka Safe Douche Society, why are you having a swastika sporting Nazi commenting on your page? (Dawn James) So you keep track? We're being  Stalked? So does this mean we can REPORT YOU, FOR HARASSMENT and CYBERSTALKING  We think it does, thank you for admitting this Eve.

Yet We have to Agree with Dawn James on this, Facebook Is the problem. Their allowing you to keep talking, lying, harass, and belittle those who are doing the right thing by speaking up for these Bully Breeds.

Finally To answer your question of why we would be upset with you stating what you did, You lumped all pit owners together with that Creten ERIC GRAY, We are nothing like him, we take care of our dogs, we take them to the Vets, Get them spayed, neutered, boosters, etc etc. We don't leave them in a kennel in their own piss, and feces like this piece of filth has done.

It concerns us, because WE are the VOICES for the VOICELESS, do you understand yet? CAN YOU COMPREHEND anything?