Have we lost retrospective? The ability to look back and learn from our past mistakes seems to have slipped the minds of many. It's important to have this trait when advocating to learn from our mess ups in speeches, and out crys.
We have seen too many advocates, and page owners, plus some of our own team members make little inspiration or constructiveness critique to our goal.
With all the meetings we have had with our local neighborhoods, we've come to the conclusion that not everyone is on the same page, not everyone is truly aware what BSL truly is. Not everyone is aware of the dangers Craigslist posses. And not everyone is aware of the reality in shelters or of PETA.
With all the "hate pages" we have been told about, we came to another conclusion or should we say... A means of questioning these pit haters Seriousness.
We question the seriousness, for a couple of reasons. With all the posts these haters have made on their page, a majority of them come off as a joke, or moronic in statements.
Such Statements as random statistics. One in statement in particular clicked with us. (In the state of Texas and California over 2,000 dog bite attacks were by pit bulls.)
Now being that some of our teammates are in California and Texas we had to ask them is this accurate?
The statement is only partially accurate, yes there were over 2,000 bites/attacks and there are 4 states that had these statistics. Georgia, Illinois, California and Texas. However it was not by specific BREEDS. The highest rate listed was of Labradors, German Shepherds, Chihuahua's and Mixes, pit and other, from the ER records/testimonies of patients..
Will also point out that many of the patients that came into the ER couldn't really identify the dogs in question and gave the generic answer of Might have been a MIX.
So of course there is going to be over 2,000 reports! There were different dogs in the listings and furthermore that "statistic" was taken back in 2010-2011 and has fallen down to 2.1% in 2012, and has continued to lower even now.
Since advocate's and others have been stating Bite Prevention tips.
Another Statement by Anti Pit Advocates- Pits have locking jaws.
No They do not, their muscle structure even though strong, are like any other dog breed, their jaw doesn't lock. Please ask a Vet to show you Xrays of their bone structure and muscle structure and compare it to other dogs. You will see the similarities.
Anti Pit Advocate statements- Inbred, mutants, land sharks, crocodiles, alligators, attack without provocation, inherently dangerous, they don't feel pain.
Inbred- yes, if they are from puppy mills, backyard, basement breeders.
Mutants- far from it, they are DOGS nothing more
Land Sharks- Where's the fin and double eye lids?
Crocodiles/Alligators- Where's the scaly skin, and DOGS ARE NOT COLD BLOODED.
Attack without provocation- Are you positive about that, are you at the scene of the incident, do you know the full story of the event?
Inherently dangerous- Are you a genealogist now? Last checked these dogs have had their aggressive trait bred out throughout the 100+ years they were on this earth. The ones you have to watch for are those who are bred through dog fighters.
They don't feel pain- So your saying, they don't whine or whimper when their hurt? That is funny to hear people say this, when we own this type of dog, and they do feel pain, they just PUSH themselves through it, to please their owners, and when they can no longer push through it, they whine, yelp, and whimper. That is them crying in pain.
Then we have people who do not understand what BSL is, and no we are not talking about the army codes.
Breed Specific Legislation- “Breed-specific” legislation (BSL) is the blanket term for laws that either regulate or ban certain breeds completely in the hopes of reducing dog attacks. Some city/municipal governments have enacted breed-specific laws. However, the problem of dangerous dogs will not be remedied by the “quick fix” of breed-specific laws—or, as they should truly be called, breed-discriminatory laws.
Credited: http://www.aspca.org/fight-animal-cruelty/dog-fighting/breed-specific-legislation.aspx
Bsl- has done more than ban dogs, they have killed, ripped families apart and punished the responsible good owners. Bsl is more than just about spay/neutering these dogs, Bsl is for a total annihilation of these breeds that are on their list. As the site has stated dogs go into hiding and can lead to irresponsible people owning these breeds, which is proven to be fact- case in point Dog fighters tend to go for this breed of dog. When they go in hiding then we have a problem.
Look up the DENVER BSL act and find out the truth about this issue, trust me you will not be happy with the results you find.
Craigslist- People use craigslist to get their dogs, cats and other animals adopted out. Yet they place ads that state free to good home or less than $100, this is prime hunting ground for Dog fighters, abusers and killers, and laboratories. Just look it up there are tons of news articles about craigslist.
Shelters- are over packed with Pit bulls and Chihuahuas being the 2nd breed. Shelters that are a No kill, euthanize these dogs everyday to make room for new intakes this is a fact. they give these dogs less than a week to be adopted out. They do not network most of these dogs and people do not realize that they can find a great dog at a shelter, but continue to shop at Pet stores. Look instead of going to a pet store go to a Shelter, they have all sorts of dogs there even purebreds if that is what you're into.
PETA- My personal dealings with them, and yes I am going to speak out about this. I called and emailed to PETA about certain dogs in the IL area being starved and mistreated they told me to contact the local ACO, I did and the ACO did nothing, didn't even take the dogs away. Aco then proceeded to tell me to contact PETA, once again I did, and PETA stated they will not do anything, they do not deal with this certain situation. Last I checked PETA stood for: People for the ethical treatment of Animals. And have had taken in cats and dogs before. Why the change?
Turns out PETA isn't all it's cracked up to be. And the dogs in question, passed away because no one would step up and help these dogs.
THANKS IL ACO AND PETA, you guys are brilliant! (sarcasm)
Now onto our fellow advocates- Please remember we are making a statement and we really should not applaud the following- Bodily harm to another individual, even though some might deserve such treatment. - Advocating for killing another human being, even though we are angered by the news we received and even though maybe, in some cases those people shouldn't have existed. Every statement we make is watched and read by many, we must control our anger or it could be used against us.
We are for PRO-LIFE, pro- life means humans as well as animals, we must remember this. Not all humans are bad even though the bad ones are making it very hard to stand with the human race on some issues.
The more we learn, the more we question Humanity and the simple things of life. The more we learn, the more we appreciate our companions and animals.
We are their voice and we must remember this. Without our voice they will continue to be unheard.
Be a Voice.
Be active.
Be Strong.
Be open to possibilities.
Be The Better Person.
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Monday, June 10, 2013
What Has The World Become
What has this world become? Truly, it is a mess out there, and truly some have lost respect for the four legged kind. Some have even used these wonderful creatures as profit, via Scam Organizations or in Dog fighting areas.
Greed is our downfall, and it will be our destruction, we were meant to protect these animals, not abuse, not hurt, and surely not to pit them up against another.
We as the human race must continue to evolve, we must continue to fight for what we believe in, for what is right. We must continue to help, save and speak for these animals.
We must right the wrongs, even if it leads us down into the filth. Busting bad guys, takes strength, courage and the willpower to face fears.
We as advocates, have the power to move people with our words, we as activists have the power to save animals with our actions. We as the majority have the power to protest against the BSL, and prove those who would do our animals harm, wrong.
What will it take to make people understand, that abusing, dumping and or fighting their animals is wrong? When will people wake up and understand that our animals aren't the problem, it is us, the humans, that turn them into this.
People turn pets into something they were not supposed to be. Fighters, killers, and or hate to say it, sex toys.
People are the problem, but people can also be the solution.
It is time for all of us to wake up, and be something more, be a voice, be the protector, be the one who trains our companions correctly, be the one who will be their for them for a change.
We need change, we need to change for the better. The only way change will happen is if everyone works together for the common good, and stops attacking one another for one's opinions.
Scam organizations, puppy mills, backyard breeders, dog fighters, abusers on and on, need to be shut down, put behind bars, and never be allowed to own another animal ever again, or operate a facility.
Report abuse, dogfighters, puppy mills to the ASPCA, Humane Society and the Anti dogfighting campaign.
Never report this to Facebook, these are the people out there who deal with this everyday, every second. And they need you to help them to stop the criminals.
Remember this next time you see something like Dog fighting on facebook, craigslist and other social media networks. Remember to report them to the Anti dogfighting campaign, the ASPCA and Humane Society. Those people are there to help with busting criminals and saving these animals.
Be the voice of change, do the right thing.
Greed is our downfall, and it will be our destruction, we were meant to protect these animals, not abuse, not hurt, and surely not to pit them up against another.
We as the human race must continue to evolve, we must continue to fight for what we believe in, for what is right. We must continue to help, save and speak for these animals.
We must right the wrongs, even if it leads us down into the filth. Busting bad guys, takes strength, courage and the willpower to face fears.
We as advocates, have the power to move people with our words, we as activists have the power to save animals with our actions. We as the majority have the power to protest against the BSL, and prove those who would do our animals harm, wrong.
What will it take to make people understand, that abusing, dumping and or fighting their animals is wrong? When will people wake up and understand that our animals aren't the problem, it is us, the humans, that turn them into this.
People turn pets into something they were not supposed to be. Fighters, killers, and or hate to say it, sex toys.
People are the problem, but people can also be the solution.
It is time for all of us to wake up, and be something more, be a voice, be the protector, be the one who trains our companions correctly, be the one who will be their for them for a change.
We need change, we need to change for the better. The only way change will happen is if everyone works together for the common good, and stops attacking one another for one's opinions.
Scam organizations, puppy mills, backyard breeders, dog fighters, abusers on and on, need to be shut down, put behind bars, and never be allowed to own another animal ever again, or operate a facility.
Report abuse, dogfighters, puppy mills to the ASPCA, Humane Society and the Anti dogfighting campaign.
Never report this to Facebook, these are the people out there who deal with this everyday, every second. And they need you to help them to stop the criminals.
Remember this next time you see something like Dog fighting on facebook, craigslist and other social media networks. Remember to report them to the Anti dogfighting campaign, the ASPCA and Humane Society. Those people are there to help with busting criminals and saving these animals.
Be the voice of change, do the right thing.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Complex Explanation: Dogs
Recently I wrote an article with
two other people, H.L and M.D. We were going over the fine points of game dogs,
the behavioral and genetic traits. Some of what we have written was a little
confusing for many of our advocate friends. Truthfully, most of it was a little
confusing to me as well, until H.L explained the complex structure.
The article I wrote with others is here: http://theavocaterforthevoiceless.blogspot.com/2013/05/game-dogs-and-you.html
Along with a recent conversation,
I had with a very lovely person who has been fighting
BSL in the UK area, I
concur with him.
Game Dogs are a controversial
area of conversation, there has been debate, back and forth with this issue. Is
it all genetics or is it training and the people behind the dog?
All three honestly, depending on
the situation, the person, and the genetics of a dog.
One must remember that there is Selective breeding, Selective
training, and the attitude/mentality of a person.
While studying for the past 3
months going on 4, I concluded that there is a new generation of dog fighters,
whom really do not care about the dog’s aggression toward people. What they
mainly care for, are if the dogs can last the round, and make the most money
for them.
They call this a sport this is
not a sport. It is barbaric treatment of a voiceless sentient being. Who wants
nothing more than to be all it can be for its owner. That determination will
never wither, no matter how many times they selectively breed their dog.
We as humans must push pass this
petty greed, and look toward an actual sport we can participate in with our
four legged companions. We as humans must learn to respect our dogs and
animals, period. We as humans were put here to protect our animal brethren, not
put here to destroy what was created.
In addition, even this is a
controversial debate; many believe we were not put here to be guardians for
these animals. If that is the case, then why do we exist? Humans are a very
complex being, many different personalities, ways of thinking and living.
Dog fighters are not that complex anymore, we as advocates can see why they do what they do; Money
fame, reputation or should I say street credit?
Anti animal advocates, such as the anti pit bull advocates, only go by half-truths
from a person who is not a dog expert, her statistics are flawed, and they
are from a 2009-2010 documentation of a flawed test, which was tossed out. She does
not factor in the possibilities of dog fighters, or animal abusers, or any
other twisted individuals who abuse their companion. She merely blames all
dogs, based on breed and flawed news reports that target a specific breed,
without knowing what that breed really is.
Because of her, BSL has been
pushing forward in most states and countries overseas. Majority of animal
control facilities have also been using her methods of determining if a dog is
aggressive, basing everything on her stolen statistics.
The truth is, with the seriousness these dog fighter breeders
handling these dogs improperly it has led to human aggression. Most of the time the traits do not show until the dog is
about 2 to 3 years of age. When this happens, people wind up seriously injured
and by that time, the dog can be either with a rescuer or with the dog fighter.
Yet, we all know if the dog bites
the fighter/handler, they put them to death. This leads the breeders to breed
again and start over. Which is also why a shelter is overfilled with specific
dog breeds, and they too wind up put to death. I do not use the word euthanized
or sleep this is murder plain and simple.
In certain situations, dogs that
experience aggression can be in most cases rehabilitated, depending on their
training and what traits been bred into said dog.
Not all fighting dogs are game
dogs, most are dogs that became dog napped, bought, or picked up off the
streets. In these cases, if this is the case they have the chance of
rehabilitation. Example- Mike Vic’s
dogs, I use this example because of the fact that these dogs of his are now in
proper homes and many are service-trained dogs.
There is so much debate out there
between issues that it is colliding together making a mess of
One advocate states it is how the dogs are raised. This
statement is false, as I have stated
before, raising and training your dogs are two separate aspects.
Raising- Is the time
you spend with your dog, the food you feed your dog, the trips to the vets,
parks etc.
Training- is teaching them skills they need to learn, such as doing their business outside, sitting, leave it, fetch, stay, lay down etc commands which equals control.
Raising a dog by spending time with your dog, forms a bond, this allows for the training.
Training- is teaching them skills they need to learn, such as doing their business outside, sitting, leave it, fetch, stay, lay down etc commands which equals control.
Raising a dog by spending time with your dog, forms a bond, this allows for the training.
There is no such breed as a “Pit Bull”. True and false, the only true pit bull is the American Pit Bull Terrier or
APBT for sort. Yet this Pit Bull title
has become a label for today’s Staffordshire terriers, Boxers, Bull Dogs
and so on. It is a Label created by the
BSL, UKC, and the AKC. This labeled has
been used wrongly with Animal Control officers, because they have this
sheet with check boxes next to descriptions of what a Pit Bull Type looks like.
Oval shaped eyes, block like head, medium built, and so on. Approximately, several
bull and terrier breeds match that description.
Blame Game:
The blame lies on the dog fighters, and the irresponsible
people not training their dogs properly. All dogs can be a possible danger, in
the inappropriate hands. Yet, dogs can be an amazing miracle in the proper
Proper Precautions:
All dog owners should take precautions when out walking their dog. Animal Aggressive, dogs should wear a muzzle, and always be on a lead. Skittish or Fear biting dogs should always be by your side on a lead, with a Yellow or White ribbon on the leash or lead for accessible view, while wearing a dog vest stating, “I’m in training or being rehabilitated.” All dog owners should take a training course with their dog, learning body language. To learn the signs that could stop an attack from happening, to know when your dog is irritated and or scared or unsure of a person. All dog owners should be aware of the surroundings and be aware of people that may be walking up from behind them. This goes for dog walkers and or dog sitters as well. This will save the dog from being spooked, and prevent any agitated attack and prevent a dog from being put to death, because of first time bite offence...
Bettering ourselves by learning these aspects, such as dog body language and vocal commands will help us keep our dogs safe. This will help us also educate those who advocate against our breeds, who think our breed of dogs are nothing but steroid induced monsters, or that only low poverty, gang members and so on, own these certain breeds.
The people, who advocate against our dogs, never had the opportunity in owning one of these delightful breeds for themselves, so they do not know the joy of having a great breed in their life.
Taking and learning these precautions will put an end to this discrimination and stereotyping.
We either become part of the solution or continue to be part
of the problem… My team and I choose to be part of the Solution and educate the
public or at least do our best at spreading the word of truth and education...
Texas, USA
Friday, April 19, 2013
More Q & A's
Q 1. Are you a rescue?
A. No, and never claimed to be.
A. No, and never claimed to be.
Q 2. How many animals have you saved?
A. I've lost count, yet since living in TX for the past 3 years I counted at least 40 dogs and cats, which I have only kept 3 dogs and 2 cats out of that rescue, while placing the rest at the No Kill Trusted Shelters.
A. I've lost count, yet since living in TX for the past 3 years I counted at least 40 dogs and cats, which I have only kept 3 dogs and 2 cats out of that rescue, while placing the rest at the No Kill Trusted Shelters.
Q 3. Do you volunteer?
A. I do indeed volunteer, when they need me. I help my local ACO catch strays.
A. I do indeed volunteer, when they need me. I help my local ACO catch strays.
Q 4. Why do I see people speaking negatively
about you and your admins?
A. In the advocacy world it happens, and we call this Hell. There will always be naysayers, doubters and those who are just plain out zealous of what has been accomplished. Then there are those who we caught doing something wrong and informed everyone about it and they feel it necessary to leave hateful comments.
A. In the advocacy world it happens, and we call this Hell. There will always be naysayers, doubters and those who are just plain out zealous of what has been accomplished. Then there are those who we caught doing something wrong and informed everyone about it and they feel it necessary to leave hateful comments.
Q 5. Who is affiliated with you, your
A. I will not divulge names, for their safety, however I will give you their pages out. Dog Rescues The Good The Bad and The Ugly of South Florida, will always be considered part of my team with the truth they state about crooked rescues. Natures In Crisis Speak UP & Help- recently introduced to them, I love what they stand for and how they get their messages across. Anti Dog Fighting Campaign, I look up to them for all that they have done to help put a stop to dog fighting in every state, they are passionate and strong willed and care deeply for the animals out there. Anti Bsl Pictures, my partner in crime sort to speak who has been by my side for a while and has helped me uncover Victor’s True nature. In addition, Paw It Forward Help Toby and Lucy. They had the courage and strength to stop Diana Peters and took control of the situation to save Toby and Lucy. Animal Rights Advocates who speak on behalf of all the animals and share petitions, pictures, and animal facts.
A. I will not divulge names, for their safety, however I will give you their pages out. Dog Rescues The Good The Bad and The Ugly of South Florida, will always be considered part of my team with the truth they state about crooked rescues. Natures In Crisis Speak UP & Help- recently introduced to them, I love what they stand for and how they get their messages across. Anti Dog Fighting Campaign, I look up to them for all that they have done to help put a stop to dog fighting in every state, they are passionate and strong willed and care deeply for the animals out there. Anti Bsl Pictures, my partner in crime sort to speak who has been by my side for a while and has helped me uncover Victor’s True nature. In addition, Paw It Forward Help Toby and Lucy. They had the courage and strength to stop Diana Peters and took control of the situation to save Toby and Lucy. Animal Rights Advocates who speak on behalf of all the animals and share petitions, pictures, and animal facts.
Q 6. Will you ever stop investigating,
advocating, and your activism?
A. No, as long as these animals need our voice our job is never done. Until people wake-up and respect these animals lives, we will always be here and in the words of Anonymous, EXPECT US.
A. No, as long as these animals need our voice our job is never done. Until people wake-up and respect these animals lives, we will always be here and in the words of Anonymous, EXPECT US.
Q 7. Are you part of Anonymous or A.L.F?
A. No and No, although if they ever came to me for help, I would do my very best to help them in anything they need. I support them in everything they have ever done.
A. No and No, although if they ever came to me for help, I would do my very best to help them in anything they need. I support them in everything they have ever done.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Hello My Old Friend
My old friend, how have you been? I have not seen you headache in a very long time, why the sudden visit? Because Voices, you are doing right, the pain is there to let you know, your battle is not yet complete.
Pain Let's you know you're alive!
The person who said welcome to hell, should of warned me about the sleepless nights, the headaches, the tears, the haters, and most of all the idiots who can't read comprehensive sentences. Oh wait, she did, by welcoming me to hell.
An Advocates life is not an easy one, we must always be persistent strong willed and always, bring the facts and truth to our speeches. I have learned this in my 15 years of advocating that not all battles will be won over night, and foremost not everyone will see eye to eye. Yet I have learned to be wary of who and who not to trust, within the past couple of days.
Explain to me why, Advocates can't seem to agree to disagree, like an adult? Why must people slander and belittle others? I thought us being as we are humans could evolve past the petty differences and disputes. I guess my thinking that this could possibly happen is wrong. Ergo there in lies my headache.
So as an Advocate for the past 15 years, I've come to an understanding. If others feel as though you are wrong, but you are right. It is best to ignore them, continue with what you are doing, Speak for the animals, be their voice and be strong while doing it. Because at the end of the day, when all has been stated and done, you and those who follow and support you, know that what we all are doing is the right thing.
There will be those who hate you for speaking out, because they fear the truth. There will be those who try to damn and sabotage what you do, because they fear change. There will be those who try to lie and slander you, because they fear the consequences around the corner.
Everything happens for a purpose, and that purpose is, to be the VOICE and have the COURAGE to face the EVIL that is out there, when everyone else turns their back on the animal kingdom.
Be Vigilant
Be Prepared
Be Strong
Be Courageous
Most of all Be That VOICE, these animals need.
Pain Let's you know you're alive!
The person who said welcome to hell, should of warned me about the sleepless nights, the headaches, the tears, the haters, and most of all the idiots who can't read comprehensive sentences. Oh wait, she did, by welcoming me to hell.
An Advocates life is not an easy one, we must always be persistent strong willed and always, bring the facts and truth to our speeches. I have learned this in my 15 years of advocating that not all battles will be won over night, and foremost not everyone will see eye to eye. Yet I have learned to be wary of who and who not to trust, within the past couple of days.
Explain to me why, Advocates can't seem to agree to disagree, like an adult? Why must people slander and belittle others? I thought us being as we are humans could evolve past the petty differences and disputes. I guess my thinking that this could possibly happen is wrong. Ergo there in lies my headache.
So as an Advocate for the past 15 years, I've come to an understanding. If others feel as though you are wrong, but you are right. It is best to ignore them, continue with what you are doing, Speak for the animals, be their voice and be strong while doing it. Because at the end of the day, when all has been stated and done, you and those who follow and support you, know that what we all are doing is the right thing.
There will be those who hate you for speaking out, because they fear the truth. There will be those who try to damn and sabotage what you do, because they fear change. There will be those who try to lie and slander you, because they fear the consequences around the corner.
Everything happens for a purpose, and that purpose is, to be the VOICE and have the COURAGE to face the EVIL that is out there, when everyone else turns their back on the animal kingdom.
Be Vigilant
Be Prepared
Be Strong
Be Courageous
Most of all Be That VOICE, these animals need.
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